
I am 66 years old, married for 39 years and have an adult daughter. I was born in Vancouver and have lived in the Lower Mainland my entire life. I retired in 2010. I like to do volunteer work. Except for the time during the covid lockdown, I volunteered for two days per week at my local elementary school. I loved spending time with the kindergarten classes. I also volunteer with a local theatre group.

Why did you want to form a pen pal connection?

I was inspired by a friend, on the occasion of my 65th birthday, I wrote 65 notes to be included with a Meals for Seniors program. I wanted to continue that endeavour. I read about the Letters to Seniors Program through the Volunteer Grandparents organization. It was something that I could easily do from home and that would hopefully make a difference to someone.

How has the pandemic affected you?

I have not been able to volunteer at my local elementary school since Spring Break 2020 and I have missed it so much!

How has this program impacted you?

The program has given me an opportunity to do something worthwhile during the covid lockdown. It’s important to interact with other people, even if it’s in writing.

What advice would you give to yourself and to the younger generation?

Believe in yourself. You have the ability to persevere and face the challenges, and also the joys, that life brings.

If you are interested in participating in the Letters to Seniors Program, please email us at info@volunteergrandparents.ca