Letters to Seniors Program

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, staying connected with others is more important than ever. Falling under our mission to bridge and enrich generations, in the summer of 2020, we initiated a new program aiding the creation of intergenerational connections within the community in a safe and engaging manner during these times.

Our new program called Letters to Seniors involves supporting isolated seniors with encouraging, meaningful handwritten letters sent by volunteers of all ages. The program consists of two phases:

Phase One: Volunteers of all ages send drawings/short cheerful cards/letters to seniors. We collect Christmas holiday messages throughout the year to enable us to meet the demand for kind cards during December from our care home partners. In 2022 we collected and distributed over 1000 cheerful holiday greetings!

Phase Two: Youth (18 and under) and seniors who are eager to build a connection with one another join the pen-pal format of the program, where they send letters back and forth and discuss their interests, hobbies, etc.

How to Register

If you would like to register for phase one or phase two of the program, please email: info@volunteergrandparents.ca

Partnership Application

If you are a care facility in Canada looking to participate in phase 1 or phase two of the program, please fill out our application!


Who can volunteer?

Volunteers of all ages can participate in phase one. For phase two, priority will be given to youth ages 18 and under, and seniors over the age of 50. We are also only accepting volunteers within Canada at this time.

What is the application process like for phase two?

Due to the high demand of this program, you may be placed on a waitlist until you are matched with a senior participant. After being matched, you can begin writing letters right away!

How am I going to be matched with a senior?

We try our best to match youth and seniors based on similar interests and hobbies.

For phase two, how long will it take to receive letters?

Due to COVID-19 safety protocols, responses may take a few weeks to be delivered because of the screening and mailing process. It also depends on how quickly your pen pal creates a response letter.

What should I include in my letter?

You can write or draw whatever you want, as long as you are following the guidelines. Sharing personal stories or creating a beautiful drawing are both great ways to bring a smile to senior participants in the program! If you need any more suggestions feel free to contact us for ideas!

Can I register on behalf of a school, group, or organization?

Yes! You can indicate that you are part of a group on the volunteer registration form! If you are interested in receiving a letter of recognition, you must register separately.