Launched: Letters to Seniors Program

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, staying connected with others is more important than ever. Falling under our mission to bridge and enrich generations, we have initiated a new program aiding the creation of intergenerational connections within… Read More

Volunteer Grandparents Annual General Meeting goes Virtual.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our Annual General Meeting will be conducted virtually this year. Time: Wednesday July 15th, 2020, 6:00 pm Contact us for the Zoom Link.

Update: Canada Summer Jobs Funding

We welcome our two new summer staff:  Ava and Radhika Ava Lanoway is a student at the University of British Columbia. She’s studying Political Science and is completing her first co-op term as our Administrative and Marketing Assistant…. Read More

Diversity is a Strength…Bridging and Enriching the Generations

The Volunteer Grandparents Organization is dedicated to creating and supporting intergenerational relationships between seniors and youth in our community. Many of the families and seniors that we serve reflect our culturally diverse community and the inclusiveness of our… Read More

Canada Summer Jobs Positions

June 3, 2020 We are still eagerly waiting to hear from the Government concerning our Canada Summer Jobs Funding in 2020. We have interviewed and selected two wonderful candidates who are waiting to start their placements with our… Read More

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update Now that we are in Phase 2 of the Pandemic, staff members at Volunteer Grandparents and Volunteer Burnaby are working closely to develop a COVID-19 safety plan for our office. We will be posting this plan… Read More

COVID-19 Notice

March 26, 2020 Recognizing the impacts of the rapidly changing COVID-19 health situation in our community, we are requesting that everyone practice social distancing to safeguard the health of yourself and the community.  We would like our volunteers… Read More

CANCELLED-Volunteer Appreciation Picnic July 2020

In 2020, our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic was planned to be held in July. In the abundance of caution, and after much discussion and careful consideration, we have decided that the most socially responsible thing to do is… Read More

National Grandparents Day 2019- Let’s Appreciate our Seniors!

Happy National Grandparents Day (September 8th)! ❤️ Pictured is Volunteer Grandparent Greg, his wife Maartje and Elise (their granddaughter). Elise’s mother, Michelle expresses “Greg as being a huge support system in not only Elise’s life, but her own as… Read More

Picnic Announcement: July 27, 2019

ALOHA everyone, Our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic will be held on July 27th, 2019 at Confederation Park in Burnaby.  This year it will be a Hawaiian themed party and we will have a special Hawaiian Hula Dance performance by Wailele Wai… Read More